International Jaamia of Languages and Professional Studies (IJLAPS) is a distinguished institution established with a mission to provide high-quality academic and vocational training to students through the use of modern technology. Our institution is rooted in strong values that inspire our staff and students to strive for excellence and make a positive impact on society.
Education Emancipates
Our mission is to provide knowledge, skills, and competence in diversified fields such as hospitality and business studies, with a special emphasis on foreign languages to enable graduates to seek employment and business opportunities not only in Kenya but in various parts of the world without any language obstacle. The language department also strives to ensure those travelling abroad for various missions can speedily acquire necessary language skills through intensive crush course.
To provide our students and clients with
knowledge, skills, and competence in foreign
languages and professional studies
empowering them to be productive and
valued citizens in a culturally diverse, and
global economy.